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The first book I recommend getting is the String Builder (book 1) by Samuel Applebaum. Make sure you get the violin version

In String Builder, you’ll learn how to read the notes in first position (that’s the easiest position for our fingers on the violin) through a series of different exercises and short pieces.

The next book you should get is Suzuki Violin School. Get the first volume for violin.

I have also recorded many of these book 1 pieces and posted them on youtube. These are easy pieces you or your child should learn over the first 3-12 months.

Both books have CD’s that can be purchased. You should get those too, or listen to the recordings on youtube. Listening will help tremendously.

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One more thing you will need is.. a teacher! You really need the one-to-one instruction for feedback on how to play correctly. You can find one through inquiring on, or contact me by clicking on the pencil icon in the portal.

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